Are Your Kids Great With Money?

1/3 of working-age Kiwis have less than $1,000 saved.
(Stuff + Westpac survey)
51% of students report little or no financial education at school.
(NZ Government school financial capability study).
Students’ most requested area for more instruction.
(NZ Government school financial capability study).
So in a cashless world, how do they get started?
As we move into the cashless era, financial capability gets harder. It’s not fully addressed at school, and parents are looking for tools to instill those life-long good money habits.
We need a way to make sure our kids get the best start possible.
That’s where SquareOne comes in…
We’re a proudly Kiwi fintech, empowering our next generation to be great with money. SquareOne is an app, connected to a card for your child – that you control.
As well as offering full account functionality, SquareOne goes several steps further – instilling great financial learnings and habits – plus additional safety features, jobs, pocket money, and parental oversight.
Are you also learning how to be great with money?
The story is the same everywhere – we had to learn all this stuff the hard way. SquareOne fills a crucial gap. Financial capability is like any skill – it needs coaching and practicing, over time, to set habits that become great behaviours. What better way to do this than teaching your kids to be great with money while you make changes in your life to bring about more financial freedom.
Get started with SquareOne at Download on App Store or  Get it on Google Play